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Posted on: Nov 1 2012, 02:15 PM


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It's not really that easy. The salary cap is $58 million and you already have three long term (3 more seasons) commitments in Rose, Noah and Taj.

For 2013/14, the best you're going to be able to do is the MLE, which may be able to bring in someone useful but not a star.

For 14/15, you've got about $15 million left for 8 roster spots. That also assumes that no one else gets signed to a multi-year deal next year.

You can't just spend all of it on one guy and fill out the rest using exceptions later, you'll have cap holds at the veteran minimum for all of those spots, leaving you with maybe $7 million under the cap. That's not exactly a game-changing total. Even to get that total, you'd have to renounce Deng's Bird Rights (meaning they couldn't go over the cap to keep him), otherwise he'd have a cap hold that eats up all of your space.

Their best chance to add a big-time player would be through a trade using Deng's expiring contract. Then the cap doesn't matter at all and they would just have to match the salaries.

  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46857 · Replies: 7 · Views: 4,809

Posted on: Oct 31 2012, 08:26 PM


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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Oct 28 2012, 02:33 AM) *
100% on my predictions so far.

I knew they wouldn't be able to resign him so it makes sense to get something for him. The get Martin to replace him this year and then they get Lamb and picks for the future.

They absolutely could have resigned him, their offer was only $4.5 mil under the max they could have given him.

Moot now though, he was a beast in his first game for Houston.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46832 · Replies: 9 · Views: 9,289

Posted on: Oct 27 2012, 09:15 PM


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QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Oct 24 2012, 05:52 PM) *
The chances he gets traded are negligible, they're not a tax team this year and they'd need something pretty spectacular to mess with a title contender.

I guess I underestimated OKC's willingness to mess with a title contender to save some money. Really odd timing of that, I'm shocked.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46818 · Replies: 9 · Views: 9,289

Posted on: Oct 24 2012, 05:14 PM


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43-39, 6th seed in the East (I think the middle tier in the East is highly mediocre).

Without Rose, the team is slightly below .500 with one of their core guys (Deng, Boozer and Noah) missing a couple of weeks at some point. The Bulls play it safe with Rose and he takes a while to get back to 35+ minutes and carrying the offense. He spends most of his regular season "blending in" a bit with averages around 17-6 and relying on his jumpshot more than usual.

The playoff hopes for the Bulls are pretty much impossible to predict without any knowledge of Rose's health. If he's completely out (due to extreme caution or a setback), they lose in the first round. If he's playing but still off, I think they have a toss-up series with Indiana followed by a likely loss to Boston if they survive. If he's 100% healthy, they should beat Indiana and they can beat Boston, but I still don't see them getting past the Heat.

Heat/Thunder re-match in the Finals, Douchebags in 6.

Deng pretty much has to be their MVP since he's their only good perimeter player with Rose out. Noah/Boozer/Taj are important, but there are three bigs and only one Deng.

League MVP comes down to Lebron and Durant. It should be Lebron unless they pull a "we're sick of voting for this guy" and give it to someone else like Barkley in 92/93 and Malone in 96/97.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46808 · Replies: 9 · Views: 9,289

Posted on: Oct 24 2012, 04:52 PM


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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Oct 24 2012, 12:51 PM) *
Harden gets traded

The chances he gets traded are negligible, they're not a tax team this year and they'd need something pretty spectacular to mess with a title contender.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46807 · Replies: 9 · Views: 9,289

Posted on: Oct 3 2012, 03:04 PM


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The fact that the Bulls got him on such a low salary should tell you something. Pretty much any big man with a pulse can get the MLE, but no one wanted this guy.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46776 · Replies: 10 · Views: 6,286

Posted on: Aug 28 2012, 09:47 AM


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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Aug 26 2012, 10:26 PM) *
Lol Ive read all your posts, I just didn't read whatever link you posted....Until now, damn. I was looking for that loophole they talked about....It made sense to me till I read that, I apologize for wasting your time...I tried to stump The Slowik....

So heres hoping Deng and Butler have a good year to justify the trading of Deng.

There aren't that many places they'd be able to move him since the Bulls couldn't take any significant salary back and still have room for a free agent. They'd need someone that is far enough under the cap to absorb his entire deal. Plus all those teams are going to be trying to get the better free agents themselves. By the time one of those teams gave up their dreams and settled on Deng, all the good free agents would probably be gone.

2015 is far more likely since Deng's contract would just expire by then, though they'd still need some roster management to have any space (obviously Boozer would have to be amnesty'd, they'd either have to renounce Deng or sign him to a huge discount to clear that massive cap hold, and Gibson could be an issue depending on what happens the next year-plus with his contract).
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46755 · Replies: 17 · Views: 8,926

Posted on: Aug 26 2012, 09:04 PM


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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Aug 26 2012, 09:58 PM) *
What a fancy thread title...So they cant sign Harden first then resign their guys right? Once Naz, Bell, Nate, and Vlad hit FA the bulls can no longer go over to resign them...because thats all I'm saying.

You at least know where I'm coming from and don't think I'm dumb right lol.

I also realize it may be hard to convince all 4 of those guy to not sign a contract elsewhere when they hit free agency.

No, in fact they can't even sign Harden for anything close to the deal he'll get that starts at $14 mil, which you would know if you actually READ. lolhitting.gif
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46751 · Replies: 17 · Views: 8,926

Posted on: Aug 26 2012, 07:07 PM


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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Aug 25 2012, 11:05 PM) *
That last scenario didn't include keeping Taj. You're response to that was they need 13 players, so in response to that I asked can they go over the tax to sign their draft picks...which upon further "thinking" I think they can, there are 12 teams over the cap and I know those teams sign their draft picks.

IF they can get rid of Kirk for a 2nd rounder in next years draft and resign Naz, Bell, Nate, and Vlad they'd have 13 players...(and a hole at PF but with the other 4 starters being able to pick up the slack)

Deng/Butler/2nd Rounder
1st Rounder/Vlad (again I'd be fine with Vlad starting just as a big who can stretch the floor)
Noah/Naz/2nd Rounder

Just read the link I posted. It explains why they wouldn't be able to sign Harden.

I'll even post the cliff notes version...

Rose+Deng+Noah= $42 million (and that number might be low, my other usual site has $44 million)
Butler+Teague+2013 first rounder= $3 million (minimum)
cap holds for the other 6 roster spots at the league minimum= $5 million (I thought it was 13 spots, but that link says 12, so I'm not totally sure. Definitely at least 12)

Total salary cap figure= about $50 million

So after using the amnesty on Boozer, renouncing Taj, dumping Hinrich somehow, and making sure you have no cap holds over the league minimum for those other roster spots (meaning you couldn't keep Bird rights on those players), you'd still have to convince Harden to sign for $8 million (or maybe less).

The roster you posted isn't remotely possible. Going over the cap to sign your own guys is a separate issue since you're trying to add a new player.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46749 · Replies: 17 · Views: 8,926

Posted on: Aug 25 2012, 07:54 PM


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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Aug 25 2012, 12:28 PM) *
Can they go over to sign draft picks?? Using the scenario I last posted can they resign Robinson, their own 2nd rounder and (if they can get it) a 2nd rounder from the Hinrich or Rip trade would give them 13 players.

So its Rose-Harden-Deng-Noah-Teague-Butler at 57 (under the cap) then just resign Naz-Bell-Vlad-Nate and 3 draft picks.

Thats the last scenario I can think of, as far as making it happen without trading Deng or Noah.... and I'm probably wrong again....

Read my last post again, I already explained why they wouldn't have enough space to sign a free agent in that scenario. You can't just ignore the salaries for the rest of the roster spots.

Here's another way to word it. Read questions 36 through 42.

They're not going to be remotely close to a competitive offer in any scenario that involves keeping three of Rose, Deng, Noah and Boozer. Even if it's just Rose and Noah, they'd be pretty much screwed if they were forced to make a decision on matching a qualifying offer for Taj before they can get Harden.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46747 · Replies: 17 · Views: 8,926

Posted on: Aug 24 2012, 11:10 PM


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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Aug 24 2012, 12:09 PM) *
Any way we let both Taj and Booze go??? They'd have Rose-Harden-Deng-?-Noah with Teague and Butler on the bench and be at 57 mill.

I'd seriously be ok with Vlad Rad being the starting PF on a team with Rose, Harden, Deng, and Noah...He'd just be a guy to stretch the floor and hit a few 3s...Bulls had the best record with Keith Bogans as their starting SG, with more pieces on the team I think they can get by with Vlad.

So since they can go over cap to resign their own guys, I'd resign Vlad, Naz, and Bell....making the team....


All of those other contracts still count against your cap figure. You have to have at least 13 players under contract. Even if they're not on the roster yet, the league minimum for each spot is subtracted from your available cap space. Even if they literally had no other players under contract but Rose, Deng and Noah, they would still have another $8.5 mil counting against them. That means the Bulls would already be on the books for over $50 million, and they are committed to guys that make over the minimum already (Hinrich, Butler, Teague and their 2013 1st rounder).

To summarize again, "they can't have three of Rose, Deng, Noah and Boozer on the roster and still make a competitive offer to a FA".
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46745 · Replies: 17 · Views: 8,926

Posted on: Aug 24 2012, 10:56 AM


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QUOTE (Balta1701-B @ Aug 23 2012, 04:38 PM) *
Do the math. $19 million for Rose, $14 million Deng, $12 million Noah = $45 million. Now 2 rookies, another $2 million = $47 million. Now, $4 million Qualifying Offer to Taj = $51 million. And then there's a couple hundred thousand roundup in there I didn't count. The cap this year is $58 million.

Even if you cleared Hinrich somehow, if you make that Qualifying offer to Taj and Amnesty Boozer, you're left with $7 million you can offer under the cap. There is no way to make a reasonable offer to Hardin without getting rid of Deng or Noah and taking very little salary back.

That's pretty much exactly what I said. A far simplier way to put it that I already used:

Basically, they can't have 3 of Rose, Noah, Deng and Boozer on the roster and still be able to offer a competitive salary to a FA.

The problem isn't Gibson, it's the large salaries to Rose, Noah, Deng and Boozer and you can only amnesty one of them.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46742 · Replies: 17 · Views: 8,926

Posted on: Aug 23 2012, 02:03 PM


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QUOTE (Balta1701-B @ Aug 23 2012, 02:46 PM) *
And after letting Gibson walk, presumably, leaving the Bulls with...I dunno, someone for the MLE at the power forward spot?

They wouldn't HAVE to let Gibson walk, his qualifying offer is under $4 million. They'd still be able to match/extend him using his Bird rights, they'd just have to time it so they sign the new guy before officially signing Gibson.

The far bigger issue though is they'd have to find some way to dump Deng without taking ANY salary back. Basically, they can't have 3 of Rose, Noah, Deng and Boozer on the roster and still be able to offer a competitive salary to a FA (don't even try to say sign-and-trade, the Bulls don't have the right assets to make it work).
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46740 · Replies: 17 · Views: 8,926

Posted on: Aug 23 2012, 02:01 PM


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QUOTE (Jake @ Aug 22 2012, 10:41 AM) *
I'm drinking the kool aid, I think this a decent team without Derrick...especially with how bad much of the NBA is in comparison.

Their frontcourt will still be good, their backcourt will be ugly. Kirk would be in the running for worst starting PG in the league, and their shooting guards aren't exactly amazing. They're going to need the new guys to play pretty well while Rose is out.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46739 · Replies: 6 · Views: 5,103

Posted on: Aug 23 2012, 01:59 PM


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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Aug 22 2012, 05:16 PM) *
Bulls get 3rd seed behind Miami and Boston.

Rose returns in December.

I seriously doubt they let Derrick come back that much earlier than expected (they're currently guessing March).
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46738 · Replies: 6 · Views: 5,103

Posted on: Aug 23 2012, 01:58 PM


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QUOTE (Jake @ Aug 22 2012, 10:40 AM) *
I still think we're a 50 win team. 46 isn't outlandish by any means though, there are lots of variables like injuries to consider.

Those variables are why I don't think you can say 46 wins is a solid projection. To me, that's a fairly optimistic projection since it presumes at least some of the following happen:

1) Derrick is close to his old self shortly after he returns (ie able to carry the offense on his back right away)
2) Derrick comes back earlier than the current March-ish projections
3) The team is a 50-win caliber team without Rose (which I think is highly questionable)
4) The team can avoid further injury issues, which seems 50/50 at best given the history of a lot of those guys

I think they CAN get above 45 wins, but to me 40-ish is more reasonable.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46737 · Replies: 4 · Views: 5,021

Posted on: Aug 23 2012, 01:52 PM


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I really don't get how it makes sense to move them to another small market unless Comcast is giving them absurd amounts of money.
  Forum: NBA Talk · Post Preview: #46736 · Replies: 2 · Views: 17,720

Posted on: Aug 20 2012, 09:49 PM


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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Aug 20 2012, 04:23 PM) *
What were the specs again? Wasn't it just 5 mill to buy him out and 5 mill for his actual contract??

It's not that simple. There are several issues...

1) His buyout is $3.149 million.

2) He's making about $4.5 million a year in Spain.

3) The Bulls CAN NOT simply pay his buyout. They're capped at a certain amount they can contribute without reprecussions. After that, they need some form of creating cap space to go over it, AND it would be subtracted from the amount they'd be able to pay Mirotic. For 2012/2013, that number is 550k, meaning Mirotic would have to come up with the rest.

3) He was a first round pick, so he's tied into the rookie scale contract (which is like $1.1 million). They can't just pay him whatever they want.

Basically, he'd have to take a huge paycut and pay out of his own pockets to come here in the next two years.

The absolute earliest you're likely to see him is 2014/2015, at which point the Bulls would have the option to sign him as a normal free agent. However, to do that they'll either need the full MLE (IE be under the tax) or have available cap space.

  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46714 · Replies: 24 · Views: 86,139

Posted on: Aug 20 2012, 01:42 PM


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Eastern Conference standings

They have the Bulls basically in a dead-heat for the 4-seed with Brooklyn, New York and Philly. I think that's a bit optimistic personally given their suspect backcourt until Rose gets back and their lack of a margin for error on the injury front.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46708 · Replies: 6 · Views: 5,103

Posted on: Aug 20 2012, 01:40 PM


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QUOTE (Balta1701-B @ Aug 20 2012, 01:07 PM) *
The cap doesn't really matter, the Tax level does for them. If they're at $64 with Perkins, let's say a low bid on Harden might be what, $12 million? That puts them over the tax level for 6 players for the foreseeable future. Fill out the roster and they're guaranteed to be $10 million or more over the tax. In the second year, that would cost them a Tax payment of $35 million.

I would have to imagine Perkins will get amnesty'd soon, possibly after this season. They just can't afford to be paying a defense-only guy $8 or $9 mil, especially when he looked lost for much of the playoffs. That'd hurt them against the Lakers, but I don't really think they have a choice.
  Forum: NBA Talk · Post Preview: #46707 · Replies: 13 · Views: 48,395

Posted on: Aug 14 2012, 02:34 PM


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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Aug 14 2012, 02:04 PM) *
Well when one of the true GOATs say he has the ability to be a monster if he got a chance to work with him, I'm gonna expect at least some kind of boost in his offensive game until proven otherwise.

Apparently hes doing yoga now too, not sure how that'd translate to playin ball but I'm sure it won't hurt.

And Michael Jordan thought taking Adam Morrison over Brandon Roy and Rudy Gay was a good idea. Being an elite player doesn't necessarily mean you can coach or evaluate talent.

I'd temper your expectations.
  Forum: NBA Talk · Post Preview: #46698 · Replies: 68 · Views: 1,071,130

Posted on: Aug 14 2012, 02:32 PM


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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Aug 14 2012, 02:31 PM) *
If Brook Lopez returns to form it wouldn't be a bad return. Unless OKC doesn't resign Ibaka, there are no good Cs on the market so I'd take Lopez over no C at all. I guess the same could be said in the Bulls situation should they have got D12.

Noah >>> Lopez

The Lakers aren't dumb. They know the Nets aren't a threat to get Dwight unless they do Brooklyn a huge favor. They know that they're in a good situation because Dwight would have to sacrifice more money and more years and leave an organization with championship potential in a warm climate and a major market.

Is he really going to do that to play for the Rockets or Hawks? The odds are clearly in LA's favor. Brooklyn and Dallas were the other teams on his list, and neither of them are going to have the space to sign him out-right (well, Brooklyn clearly not, Dallas likely not once the numbers come in for their new additions). They're not going to give that up to take Brook Lopez's awful contract. If they were really worried about it, they'd have kept Andrew Bynum, who was arguably the 2nd best center in the league last year.

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Posted on: Aug 14 2012, 12:45 PM


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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Aug 14 2012, 01:43 PM) *
Once again, like the Rus/Love thread, I'm going off what the player said.

How many of those players are working with one of the GOATs??

Yes, I have a lot of faith in Noah improving his game. He may not be Dwight Howard good but I think he can be Andrew Bynum good...Top 3 C in the NBA....I'm predicting at least 15/10 next year.

He said he wouldn't sign an extension, which makes financial sense because of the stupid CBA rules that give them a disincentive to do so. Much like Deron Williams, that doesn't mean he's leaving.

Pretty much all of these guys work out with someone that knows what they're doing at some point in their career.

You probably shouldn't expect a guy that has been in the league for years and still has a jumper that spins sideways to suddenly develop a good offensive game.
  Forum: NBA Talk · Post Preview: #46693 · Replies: 68 · Views: 1,071,130

Posted on: Aug 14 2012, 12:06 PM


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QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Aug 14 2012, 12:37 PM) *
He said something along the lines of, I'm gonna see how comfortable I am in LA then decide between LA and Brooklyn. IMO thats something a player in a new city should never bring up, and would annoy the hell out of me if I was an LA fan/he came to the Bulls.

Furthermore hasn't he made it fairly clear Chicago is not a place he wants to play long term, so chances are he'd be here the one year our other superstar is hurt....Whats the point??

Ok clearing $$$ might be a valid point, but getting rid of Noah is really gonna hurt the team IMO. I'd much rather keep Noah, trade Deng, amnesty Boozer, and sign a SG next year than lose Noah(plus whatever other pieces) and Howard, and be left with Rose, Boozer, and Deng....

I'd really hate to lose Noah for what would basically be cap relief, esp. considering he's working with Kareem this offseason and I'd hate to see any kind of progression he has in a different uni.

Brooklyn has no cap space. The only way he could go to the Nets is if the Lakers sign-and-trade him there, which has about as much of a chance of happening as me spending the night with Kate Upton.

Pretty much any attractive location this off-season is going to be capped out.

And you have way too much faith in a guy working out this off-season. Noah is hardly the only guy trying to get better.
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Posted on: Aug 13 2012, 06:13 PM


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QUOTE (Balta1701-B @ Aug 13 2012, 04:27 PM) *
A guy can always say he's done playing until he's traded.

I have to imagine there are some sizeable fines involved in that since no one ever does it.
  Forum: Bulls Talk · Post Preview: #46686 · Replies: 21 · Views: 11,953

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