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TalkBulls Forums _ Bulls Talk _ The Differences B/W Tyson Chandler and Tyrus Thomas

Posted by: SoxFan1 May 23 2008, 09:52 PM

I've been hearing a lot recently about how Rose would be the right pick because he would make Tyrus a much better player, and I'm beginning to wonder where people are getting these assumptions from. The immediate comparison (and most oft used here) has been Rose/Tyrus = Paul/Chandler. It seems people are a bit high on the lottery still and thinking unrealistically.

First off, to those who think Rose is going to come in an light the world on fire, be cautiously optimistic. Chris Paul as a rookie (80 starts) dropped 16.1 ppg and 7.8 apg. Deron Williams as a rookie (47 starts) scored 10.1 with 4.5 apg. People are expecting CP3 2008 numbers out of Rose as a rookie and it just doesn't happen like that. He'll be good, damn good, but he's not a finished product yet. And on top of that, there are no guarantees we will pick him anyway.

Now, as far as the Tyson/Tyrus comparisons, they really disappoint me. I don't know how many times people have said Tyrus is a good defender down low. Are you watching the same team as me? Tyrus is a poor man on man defender. Nearly all of his blocks come from help defense or from scuffles down low. His rebounding isn't really a skill, just more so that he is able to out-jump a ton of other players. But anyway, people are saying that Paul has helped Chandler so much and made him the player he is....umm, no. First off, Chris Paul is a top 2 PG in the league. Between he and Deron Williams, its very close. Rose isn't going to come in and be an MVP candidate right away. Second, Tyson Chandler has comparable numbers to what he had in his career in Chicago. His rebounding and scoring increases are pretty much because of more minutes and consistent minutes.

Now, as far as abilities, we all know Tyrus is a freak athlete, but he has very little skill. Tyson possesses skills. He is a great defender, one of the top in the game. He displays passion that are rarely seen by anyone in the league, let alone on the Bulls. Tyrus only gets excited when he gets a huge dunk and-one. Then he misses the FT and goes back to his mediocre self. I'll never forget Tyson's block on Paul Pierce to save a game and help clinch a playoff birth for the Bulls a few years back. Tyson actually has skill as a defender. When the hell has Tyrus Thomas ever shown ANY kind of defensive abilities like Chandler. And blocks don't really count for TT because he attempts to block everything, and with his jumping ability, he'll run into a few.

Don't get me wrong, he's definitely benefited from having CP3 tossing him alley oops 6 times a game, but basically that's all of his offensive output. He still doesn't have any real offensive game. Balta, you've been throwing around the "Put Rose/Tyrus in a room and make them watch Tyson/CP3 videos" stuff, but you have to want to be good. Tyrus has no work ethic whatsoever. He is pretty content with rotting away on the bench. He said it himself, the dunk contest was all about the free money. He seems like he has no motivation. Instead of working to gain starting minutes, he just thinks it should be granted to him. I recall draft day 2006 that some people proposed we take Tyrus over Aldridge because Tyrus had much better potential and wasn't "soft" and had a great attitude. Yes, great attitude. I have yet to see that.

When have we ever read about Tyrus Thomas busting his ass at practice, or getting to practice early or something? Never. We only hear about how he skips practice, is a numskull, and lashes out as his coaches. Tyrus has passion, sure. But his passion is different than Chandlers. Tyrus passion is selfish. Tyson's passion was always team oriented. He was excited to be on the court and to contribute. Skiles said it himself, "the next time Tyrus runs down the court hard will be the first." I specifically recall one possession where Tyrus stood in the half circle behind the free throw line nearly the entire possesion while the offense passed it around the perimeter. He had his arms out asking for the ball with a guy standing right on him. And when he didn't get the ball, he threw his arms down in disgust and jogged back down to the other end of the court.

One thing I'll give Tyrus is that he actually has SOME (not very much) offensive ability. He has an ok jump shot (though extremely inconsistent) but still has no low post moves. He can't post up because he can't control his dribble long enough to do so, he doesn't have enough strength, and he is a terrible finisher. He's one of the worst finishers in the league because of it, uncontested dunks/layups are virtually all he makes. I'd still much rather have Tyson Chandler. Tyson's offensive potential never really came to fruition, but he still worked on his defense. I don't see any of that in Tyrus. Now he is going to be working out with Thorpe? Whoop dee doo, he coached Bosh and Harrington...both of them are PF's who rely a TON on jumpshots. That is not what we want from Tyrus. We need him to be a PF and bang down low. Tyson at least had the size, where as Tyrus is an undersized PF.

Tyrus' best opportunity would have come had D'Antoni been hired as Coach. Now, I have a hard time thinking he'll even be on the Bulls come October.

Posted by: Chicago Bulls Franchise May 24 2008, 01:25 AM

Many people overestimate Derrick Rose as a rookie. I look at this kinda like Kirk's rookie year. He averaged 35 mpg, he averaged about 12 ppg and 7 apg, I think Rose can match that.

As for Tyrus, if all he has to do is stand in the paint and wait for a Rose pass he will tear it up. His only hope is to either get a back to the basket game, or become a jump shooter/driver ala Chris Bosh, Lamarcus Aldridge. Even though Lamarcus has a little bit of a post up game, I find it funny how people consider him being a low post scorer when 65% of his shot attempts are jumpers.. go figure.

Comparing Tyson to Tyrus isn't really that fair either. Tyson is 4 inches taller and has been in the league longer, obviously. You also have to note that he came in with Eddy Curry where all he had to rely on was his defense and rebounding. Tyrus has nobody to rely on because Noah is just as bad as he is when it comes to scoring down low.

Posted by: SoxFan1 May 24 2008, 01:39 AM

QUOTE (Chicago Bulls Franchise @ May 24 2008, 02:34 AM) *
As for Tyrus, if all he has to do is stand in the paint and wait for a Rose pass he will tear it up.

No. No he will not.

I keep hearing this, but no one elaborates.

Posted by: TeaLeafReaderII May 24 2008, 07:43 AM

Tyrus' improvement will come from more minutes and more expirience. Getting Rose means that might happen on the Bulls. Getting Beasley means it will occur somewhere else.

Do you have a contact in the Berto center? It seems like you are basing an awful lot on the fact the Tyrus was rude to Sam Smith, a quote that Skiles immidiately retracted, and the fact that Tyrus was among the 15 Bulls that Boylan rubbed the wrong way.

Coming into this year Tyrus had no jump shot. Now he is relatively consistant with that 15 footer. That tells me he is putting in time in the offseason. If he is able to keep adding things like that to his game, he will continue to improve. If he doesn't, he will stay where he is at and provide a couple "high energy" plays a game and otherwise be completely useless.

The only comparison between Tyrus and Tyson that I see is that Skiles stunted their developement by destroying their confidence.

Posted by: eddog2 May 24 2008, 09:39 AM

QUOTE (TeaLeafReaderII @ May 24 2008, 08:52 AM) *
The only comparison between Tyrus and Tyson that I see is that Skiles stunted their developement by destroying their confidence.

Skiles stunted everyones growth (Gordon's, Tyrus', Tyson's, and to some extent Kirk's) None of these players played consistent minutes except for Kirk. Gordon would go from starter to bench player. And none of them ever got to play with a consistent lineup b/c Skiles was always freaking changing the lineup. I remember the year with Songaila/Piatkowski. That was the dogshit year where Skiles would throw in the worst lineups ever.

They need a real coach and I can see this team growing it's players and soaring to new heights.

Posted by: Chicago Bulls Franchise May 24 2008, 10:50 AM

QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ May 24 2008, 02:48 AM) *
No. No he will not.

I keep hearing this, but no one elaborates.

Put it this way.. You see Derrick Rose coming at you full boar, he drives past the first guy and the second guy in the paint must step up to stop him from getting all the way to the basket; that leaves room for Tyrus to finish off an easy basket because he's not guarded. Don't get me wrong, this will not happen all the time but this is how Tyrus' point production could go up with a guy like Rose, where all the attention goes to him and they forget or are forced to step up and help which allows one of the bigs to score easy buckets down low. Kobe Bryant is a perfect example of this. Gasol gets atleast 2 baskets a game because of Kobe's driving ability and vision while he's in the air. I'm not going to write off Tyrus until I see that he is totally not willing to get better and prove himself not only to Bulls fans, but to the NBA. Supposedly he's working out this summer, this is Tyrus' defining year IMO as a Bull.

Posted by: eddog2 May 24 2008, 02:04 PM

QUOTE (Chicago Bulls Franchise @ May 24 2008, 11:59 AM) *
Put it this way.. You see Derrick Rose coming at you full boar, he drives past the first guy and the second guy in the paint must step up to stop him from getting all the way to the basket; that leaves room for Tyrus to finish off an easy basket because he's not guarded. Don't get me wrong, this will not happen all the time but this is how Tyrus' point production could go up with a guy like Rose, where all the attention goes to him and they forget or are forced to step up and help which allows one of the bigs to score easy buckets down low. Kobe Bryant is a perfect example of this. Gasol gets atleast 2 baskets a game because of Kobe's driving ability and vision while he's in the air. I'm not going to write off Tyrus until I see that he is totally not willing to get better and prove himself not only to Bulls fans, but to the NBA. Supposedly he's working out this summer, this is Tyrus' defining year IMO as a Bull.

Tyrus got better this year even if he stats didn't show it. His FG% went down but it was b/c he was taking more jump shots. His jumper is improved and will only get better with work. The area that impressed me the most about his game was him FT% improvement. Tyrus looked very solid from the line this year. He improved his FT% from 60.6% to 74.1%. That's a huge improvement. If he can keep it at that percent or improve it further that will only help his overall game. You don't improve your FT% that much if you are not working on your jump shot or FT shot. He's working out this summer and hopefully with the right coach and with Rose his abilities will be maximized.

Posted by: ZoomSlowik May 24 2008, 07:59 PM

One or two more uncontested shots a game isn't going to take Tyrus from inconsistent, marginally useful player to star, he's actually going to have to figure out how to finish with contact/traffic and/or hit more than 35.5% of his jumpers (a lot more if it's "or"). I wouldn't call that "consistent", though it isn't as bad as his interior finishing percentage (48.7%, a depressingly low percentage given his length and leaping ability and one of the worst totals in the league).

And seriously, LaMarcus Aldridge and Pau Gasol comparisons (okay, not comparisons, but mentions in regards to Thomas like it's relevant)? Yeah, Aldridge shoots a lot of jumpers, so do Garnett and Bosh, that doesn't mean they're not good options in the frontcourt that can hurt you inside. Heck, even Amare Stoudemire takes 50% of his attempts on 2-point jumpers and Tim Duncan is at 55% from there. The point is that he hits 61.4% of his interior shots and 41.7% on the jumpers in only his second season, giving him a diverse offensive game that we could really use up front. He's considerably more skilled than Tyrus, if Thomas had half as much offensive ability we'd be set. I won't even bother with the Gasol stats, let's just say he doesn't need a whole lot of help to score. He's not forcing things as much with Kobe to take over. While that helps, the guy still has to improve quite a bit on his own.

I've tried to stay out of more of these things of late, but geez. I haven't totally written Tyrus off yet, but I'm also not going to make massive leaps of faith with him either, he still needs to work on his game quite a bit.

Posted by: Chicago Bulls Franchise May 24 2008, 08:06 PM

QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ May 24 2008, 09:08 PM) *
One or two more uncontested shots a game isn't going to take Tyrus from inconsistent, marginally useful player to star, he's actually going to have to figure out how to finish with contact/traffic and/or hit more than 35.5% of his jumpers (a lot more if it's "or"). I wouldn't call that "consistent", though it isn't as bad as his interior finishing percentage (48.7%, a depressingly low percentage given his length and leaping ability and one of the worst totals in the league).

And seriously, LaMarcus Aldridge and Pau Gasol comparisons (okay, not comparisons, but mentions in regards to Thomas like it's relevant)? Yeah, Aldridge shoots a lot of jumpers, so do Garnett and Bosh, that doesn't mean they're not good options in the frontcourt that can hurt you inside. The point is that he hits 61.4% of his interior shots and 41.7% on the jumpers in only his second season, giving him a diverse offensive game that we could really use up front. He's considerably more skilled than Tyrus, if Thomas had half as much offensive ability we'd be set. I won't even bother with the Gasol stats, let's just say he doesn't need a whole lot of help to score. He's not forcing things as much with Kobe to take over. While that helps, the guy still has to improve quite a bit on his own.

I've tried to stay out of more of these things of late, but geez. I haven't totally written Tyrus off yet, but I'm also not going to make massive leaps of faith with him either, he still needs to work on his game quite a bit.

wtf? I was just giving out an example of what kind of baskets Tyrus could get from a guard that penetrates, I could have said Jason Maxiel or Kenyon Martin if I wanted to it doesn't matter.. and notice how I said "this won't happen all the time"...

Posted by: Cowch May 27 2008, 12:13 AM

If Tyrus doesn't make a step up this offseason, I hope he isn't expecting minutes. Assuming the Bulls will go with Rose, I would rather have Tyrus start just because he is fast. I don't want some guy chugging along just to keep up with Rose. Anyway, Tyrus, for now, is not the same player as Tyson is. He definitely still has lots to prove. Give it another season or so before you make or break the guy. I would HATE if the Bulls traded him solely because I can imagine that he would develop on another team just like we see happen all the time.

Posted by: SoxFan1 May 27 2008, 01:24 AM

QUOTE (Cowch @ May 27 2008, 01:22 AM) *
If Tyrus doesn't make a step up this offseason, I hope he isn't expecting minutes. Assuming the Bulls will go with Rose, I would rather have Tyrus start just because he is fast. I don't want some guy chugging along just to keep up with Rose. Anyway, Tyrus, for now, is not the same player as Tyson is. He definitely still has lots to prove. Give it another season or so before you make or break the guy. I would HATE if the Bulls traded him solely because I can imagine that he would develop on another team just like we see happen all the time.

If he is to be part of a package thats gets us an Elton Brand, Michael Redd, Carmelo Anthony, or Allen Iverson and Paxson nixes it to hold on to Tyrus and his "potential", I will be uber pissed.

Posted by: heirdog May 27 2008, 08:26 AM

QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ May 24 2008, 01:48 AM) *
No. No he will not.

I keep hearing this, but no one elaborates.

See Rose drive. See Tyrus jump. See Tyrus dunk. Any questions?

Posted by: Cowch May 27 2008, 08:45 AM

QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ May 27 2008, 02:33 AM) *
If he is to be part of a package thats gets us an Elton Brand, Michael Redd, Carmelo Anthony, or Allen Iverson and Paxson nixes it to hold on to Tyrus and his "potential", I will be uber pissed.

That would also piss me off. It seems we have a lose-lose situation. banghead.gif

Posted by: steve9347 May 27 2008, 09:15 AM

QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ May 27 2008, 02:33 AM) *
If he is to be part of a package thats gets us an Elton Brand, Michael Redd, Carmelo Anthony, or Allen Iverson and Paxson nixes it to hold on to Tyrus and his "potential", I will be uber pissed.

This team does not want AI.

Melo is too pricey.

Let's talk about Brand, since chances are Skiles doesn't want any Bulls for Redd.

Posted by: Balta1701-B May 27 2008, 10:04 AM

QUOTE (steve9347 @ May 27 2008, 08:24 AM) *
This team does not want AI.

Melo is too pricey.

Let's talk about Brand, since chances are Skiles doesn't want any Bulls for Redd.

I could certainly see Skiles being interested in Hinrich.

Melo is only too pricey if the Nuggets aren't serious about trying to fix their cap situation.

My problem with Brand, Redd, etc., is that even with a guy like Chris Paul, it took him 2-3 years from the moment he entered the league to develop in to a star. Even if you put absolutely stellar talent around Rose right now, he's just not going to be ready to lead us on a real run for a couple years. By then, picking up guys like Redd and Brand means we'll have shelled out a lot of money, made sure we didn't build up salary cap space, and gotten ourselves locked down with guys on the wrong side of 30 for the time Rose really does start taking off.

Posted by: jumpman23 May 27 2008, 10:23 AM

Not backing Tyrus by any means but lets not forget that Chandler was a 6'11 before he was even a freshman in Highschool who had over 4 years to grow into his height (probably played organized ball before that also)

Tyrus only played organized basketball starting his junior year where he was 6'6 where he then grew 3 inches and joined the nba in 3 years. A 6'6 jump to 6'9 would be a little harder to work with (possible position change, etc.) having only 2 years or experience as compared to chandler where he had 4 years to work at Center (whether he was 6'11 or taller)

Posted by: Cowch May 27 2008, 12:52 PM

QUOTE (jumpman23 @ May 27 2008, 11:32 AM) *
Not backing Tyrus by any means but lets not forget that Chandler was a 6'11 before he was even a freshman in Highschool who had over 4 years to grow into his height (probably played organized ball before that also)

Tyrus only played organized basketball starting his junior year where he was 6'6 where he then grew 3 inches and joined the nba in 3 years. A 6'6 jump to 6'9 would be a little harder to work with (possible position change, etc.) having only 2 years or experience as compared to chandler where he had 4 years to work at Center (whether he was 6'11 or taller)

Welcome aboard, it's been a while since I've seen a new member. Anyway, was Tyson really almost 7 feet at the age of 14/15? If so, that's insane. This is actually a good point. I'm not exactly sure why we're comparing these two seeing as they are obviously not the same player.

Posted by: ZoomSlowik May 27 2008, 02:04 PM

QUOTE (Cowch @ May 27 2008, 02:01 PM) *
Welcome aboard, it's been a while since I've seen a new member. Anyway, was Tyson really almost 7 feet at the age of 14/15? If so, that's insane. This is actually a good point. I'm not exactly sure why we're comparing these two seeing as they are obviously not the same player.

There are two obvious reason the comparison was started:

1) Both players are long, athletic big men with limited offensive skill that ended up with the same organization. Obviously Tyson is taller/longer, but they have the same type of skill set, and some were calling Tyrus a 6'9" version of Tyson when he was drafted.

2) Many people have pointed to how Tyson's offensive efficiency/production have improved in New Orleans thanks to playing with Paul and have drawn the conclusion that Tyrus playing with Rose will/can have the same effect.

I'm going to assume that's why SF1 started the thread, and though he seems a bit more angry about it I can see a lot of his points.

Posted by: steve9347 May 27 2008, 02:17 PM

QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ May 27 2008, 03:13 PM) *
I'm going to assume that's why SF1 started the thread, and though he seems a bit more angry about it I can see a lot of his points.

Personally, I thinK Joakim Noah is a lot closer to Tyson than Tyrus is...

Posted by: Balta1701-B May 27 2008, 02:43 PM

QUOTE (steve9347 @ May 27 2008, 01:26 PM) *
Personally, I thinK Joakim Noah is a lot closer to Tyson than Tyrus is...

In terms of their games, yes.

I think the key comparison is that Tyson and Tyrus are guys who the fans have started to turn on a bit while still young, who we might be considering selling off for less than equal value.

The question is...if we put Tyrus in the right situation, in a situation similar to Tyson, will his game flourish like Tyson's did? While they have 2 different styles, that's the key question.

I think the answer is yes, especially if he's on a front line with Deng and Noah and they're all getting solid minutes. Others clearly disagree.

Posted by: ZoomSlowik May 27 2008, 02:47 PM

QUOTE (steve9347 @ May 27 2008, 03:26 PM) *
Personally, I thinK Joakim Noah is a lot closer to Tyson than Tyrus is...

IMO they're all relatively similar in terms of skill set/playing style, Noah is just closer in terms of build than Tyrus. They're all defensive oriented players that can run the floor and have good to great length/athletic ability, limited offensive skills and lack of ideal bulk inside. The biggest differences (besides the build) I see are that Tyrus is shooting more jumpers and doesn't seem to come with the consistent effort every night like the other two. If he can work hard on improving his game (his jumper has gotten better, but given his change in shot selection that came with it I'm not totally thrilled) and bring that effort then I have no problem with him, so far that hasn't been the case though. He seems to go through games/stretches where he just floats around at half speed and not attacking the basket or really going after it on defense or the glass (though he'll still make occasional plays because of his leaping ability). His basketball IQ can use some work too, though that'll likely come with the effort/development given his playing time would increase.

Posted by: SoxFan1 May 27 2008, 11:55 PM

QUOTE (heirdog @ May 27 2008, 09:35 AM) *
See Rose drive. See Tyrus jump. See Tyrus dunk. Any questions?

Thanks for the remedial lessons in "basketball success with hard-headed, talentless athletes."

Posted by: Bullies4Life Jun 2 2008, 06:17 PM

Tyrus Thomas Fan Here.... All i got to say is this... Tyrus is still a young player... Chandler is considered to be more of a veteran type of player as of today, and to me, Tyrus looks like he just finished his rookie season. IMO, the bulls coaching staff did a bad job in developing Tyrus, especially with all of the inconsistent minutes going around... Not just with Tyrus, but with other players such as well...

So people are pretty satisfied with how Chandler turned out eh?.... The guy has barely changed since when he came into the league. He put on some weight like what? His 5th year?... I havent seen any developed offensive moves developed by Tyson Chandler... And trust me, he has had time... On the other hand, Tyrus did put some weight on last summer, as others mentioned, FT % improved, and he actually looks like he is gonna have a decent jump shot (if he continues to work on it). People, just be patient... The guy is very talented, and has a pretty nice overall game... He just needs to polish up... A lot... What about Chandler? The guy looks like he hit his peak already...

Tyrus got the start in the beginning of the year, and he looked fine... Then bulls started losing, players getting off to slow starts, and what did Skiles do? He sent Tyrus to the bench... And the there were some nights where he racked up some DNPs...

As i recall, Tyrus had a nice rookie season... Got off to a bad start as most prolly expected, but then he became a game changer by the end of the season. And yes, his defense was solid. Yes, he needs a little bit more muscle (it should be kicking in any day now;-) but he will be just fine. As good as Tyson Chandler defensively? I think he can be better... His help defense can be one of the best in the league with his ridiculous athletic ability.... but it will really depend on the coaching staff, schemes, and the bottom line, how much effort he is willing to bring in, night in and night out.

And speaking of effort, the bulls stopped playing for Jim Boylan... The guy was like a substitute teacher. The Bulls defense was a mess, not just Tyrus Thomas...

Derrick Rose... Someone breaking the Defense is what the Bulls need... As far as Rose looking for Thomas or Noah for the alley-oop goes... Rose didnt really show he passes it to his big guys in Memphis... So i dont really expect that to happen with the Bulls... at least not right away.... That being said, Rose is a great finisher by the rim, so he didnt really need to. Also, Rose just sucking in the defense, and throwing it up there is nice... That means that if it bounces off the rim, either Noah or Thomas will be there ready to throw it down for an easy 2 pts... The Bulls have like no attackers that drive in consistently, and Rose will be that guy...

Also, Paul didnt really show the best court vision in college, at least not as good as he is in the NBA... and also, i think that Byron Scott's offensive schemes plays a huge role in having CP3 throwing it to the Chandlelier... Scott also coached JKidd, another guy that threw a lot of alley-oops...

In brief, it would be nice if we got Rose, but it will depend a lot on the coaching staff, and the plays they run, and if they make it a priority to throw alley-oops for their big men. The potential is all there.... Rose having the ability to break down the D, and Thomas and Noah been athletic enough to go up there and throwing it down.... but we'll see what happens..

Posted by: eddog2 Jun 2 2008, 07:59 PM

I totally agree wtih you except I think Rose will be good at throwing the lob b/c it will be too easy. Thomas can catch almost any angle pass b/c he gets up so high so the accuracy of the pass doesn't have to be as crisp. The main thing will be drawing a double which Rose's quickness should command. If the double comes then there is a lob opportunity and if it doesn't then it should be an easy 2 layup b/c Rose should be able to use his crossover and quickness to get by most defenders.

As for the Bulls I think they have 4 legit talents (and 1 iffy) to build around for the future. They are Deng, Gordon, Noah, Tyrus and Thabo (with Thabo still needing to improve his shot significantly). Other than that I say anyone on the roster is expendable.

Use future picks and trade Kirk, Nocioni, Gooden and hopefully Hughes for the best possible package(s). I know Kirk has value out there as does Nocioni and a team could utilize the services of Gooden or his expiring contract. I think the Bobcats would be willing to do a trade for Okafor if he doesn't want to re-sign with them. I think Hinrich/Gooden & future picks could work.

What would really be nice is if they would be willing to trade us Okafor & Jason Richardson. We could throw something like Noah, Kirk, Nocioni (or Gooden), & Gordon & a futre pick(s) if necessary for those 2. I'd hate to give up on Gordon & Noah and it would be an upgrade at both the Center & SG position. We'd then have a loaded top 5. I doubt they'd do it but I'd love what it leaves us with.


Of course we'd then need to add a Center and probably another PF in free agency but I think we could manage that.

Posted by: Bullies4Ever Jun 2 2008, 08:54 PM

QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ May 23 2008, 11:01 PM) *
I've been hearing a lot recently about how Rose would be the right pick because he would make Tyrus a much better player, and I'm beginning to wonder where people are getting these assumptions from. The immediate comparison (and most oft used here) has been Rose/Tyrus = Paul/Chandler. It seems people are a bit high on the lottery still and thinking unrealistically.

First off, to those who think Rose is going to come in an light the world on fire, be cautiously optimistic. Chris Paul as a rookie (80 starts) dropped 16.1 ppg and 7.8 apg. Deron Williams as a rookie (47 starts) scored 10.1 with 4.5 apg. People are expecting CP3 2008 numbers out of Rose as a rookie and it just doesn't happen like that. He'll be good, damn good, but he's not a finished product yet. And on top of that, there are no guarantees we will pick him anyway.

Now, as far as the Tyson/Tyrus comparisons, they really disappoint me. I don't know how many times people have said Tyrus is a good defender down low. Are you watching the same team as me? Tyrus is a poor man on man defender. Nearly all of his blocks come from help defense or from scuffles down low. His rebounding isn't really a skill, just more so that he is able to out-jump a ton of other players. But anyway, people are saying that Paul has helped Chandler so much and made him the player he is....umm, no. First off, Chris Paul is a top 2 PG in the league. Between he and Deron Williams, its very close. Rose isn't going to come in and be an MVP candidate right away. Second, Tyson Chandler has comparable numbers to what he had in his career in Chicago. His rebounding and scoring increases are pretty much because of more minutes andconsistent minutes.

Now, as far as abilities, we all know Tyrus is a freak athlete, but he has very little skill. Tyson possesses skills. He is a great defender, one of the top in the game. He displays passion that are rarely seen by anyone in the league, let alone on the Bulls. Tyrus only gets excited when he gets a huge dunk and-one. Then he misses the FT and goes back to his mediocre self. I'll never forget Tyson's block on Paul Pierce to save a game and help clinch a playoff birth for the Bulls a few years back. Tyson actually has skill as a defender. When the hell has Tyrus Thomas ever shown ANY kind of defensive abilities like Chandler. And blocks don't really count for TT because he attempts to block everything, and with his jumping ability, he'll run into a few.

Don't get me wrong, he's definitely benefited from having CP3 tossing him alley oops 6 times a game, but basically that's all of his offensive output. He still doesn't have any real offensive game. Balta, you've been throwing around the "Put Rose/Tyrus in a room and make them watch Tyson/CP3 videos" stuff, but you have to want to be good. Tyrus has no work ethic whatsoever. He is pretty content with rotting away on the bench. He said it himself, the dunk contest was all about the free money. He seems like he has no motivation. Instead of working to gain starting minutes, he just thinks it should be granted to him. I recall draft day 2006 that some people proposed we take Tyrus over Aldridge because Tyrus had much better potential and wasn't "soft" and had a great attitude. Yes, great attitude. I have yet to see that.

When have we ever read about Tyrus Thomas busting his ass at practice, or getting to practice early or something? Never. We only hear about how he skips practice, is a numskull, and lashes out as his coaches. Tyrus has passion, sure. But his passion is different than Chandlers. Tyrus passion is selfish. Tyson's passion was always team oriented. He was excited to be on the court and to contribute. Skiles said it himself, "the next time Tyrus runs down the court hard will be the first." I specifically recall one possession where Tyrus stood in the half circle behind the free throw line nearly the entire possesion while the offense passed it around the perimeter. He had his arms out asking for the ball with a guy standing right on him. And when he didn't get the ball, he threw his arms down in disgust and jogged back down to the other end of the court.

One thing I'll give Tyrus is that he actually has SOME (not very much) offensive ability. He has an ok jump shot (though extremely inconsistent) but still has no low post moves. He can't post up because he can't control his dribble long enough to do so, he doesn't have enough strength, and he is a terrible finisher. He's one of the worst finishers in the league because of it, uncontested dunks/layups are virtually all he makes. I'd still much rather have Tyson Chandler. Tyson's offensive potential never really came to fruition, but he still worked on his defense. I don't see any of that in Tyrus. Now he is going to be working out with Thorpe? Whoop dee doo, he coached Bosh and Harrington...both of them are PF's who rely a TON on jumpshots. That is not what we want from Tyrus. We need him to be a PF and bang down low. Tyson at least had the size, where as Tyrus is an undersized PF.

Tyrus' best opportunity would have come had D'Antoni been hired as Coach. Now, I have a hard time thinking he'll even be on the Bulls come October.

Looks like your a chandler fan.. he he me too..

But you have to understand.. one thing that many bulls fans didnt like was that he was pretty much all talk and no walk.. He pretty much said all of the right things before and during the off season.. but tell me.. someone plz tell me.. what did he improve on anyways? other than gaining a lil muscle mass each year the guy didnt improve on his jumpshot, his ft%, his post game, he showed no offensive game year after year. And everyone knows that CP3 does make Chandler look good.. Theres no denying it..

What Tyrus does better:
-better hands (Chandler has brick hands)
-better handles
-better jumpshot
-can take people off the dribble
-can actually generate his own shot compared to Chandler
-better around the rim
-better post up game.._(haha.. not very good... he needs more weight)
-better passer
-better shot blocker
-better at stealing
-can play the passing lanes better
-better at the fast break
-better at FT
-has more potential
-has ability to dribble from coast to coast (if they let him.. haha)
-bottom line- in offense he's no Tyson or B. Wallace biggrin.gif

What Chandler does better:
-better size, doesnt get pushed around as much as TT
-better man to man defender
-better rebounder offensive and defensive
-knows his role
(plays better under controlled, doesnt try to do too much)
-better cheerleader

And very quick.. how can u say
Now, as far as abilities, we all know Tyrus is a freak athlete, but he has very little skill. Tyson possesses skills.

little skill? Tyrus has a lot more skill than Chandler.. Chandler is a one dimensional player, looks like he always will be. Chandler could have been good IF he buster his butt in practice and during the off season. He could have developed a go to post up move if he really wanted to.. like a lot of people said.. he was lazy or something..

When the hell has Tyrus Thomas ever shown ANY kind of defensive abilities like Chandler. And blocks don't really count for TT because he attempts to block everything, and with his jumping ability, he'll run into a few.
Blocking should count.. Blocking is a skill. Chandler has become a better defender now because hes stronger and he doesnt get as much in foul trouble as he did before. No reason why TT cant do the same.. TT can guard sf, pf, and Ive seen him guard big sg as well.. Chandler can only guard pf and C... And it looks like he will pretty much guard C from now on the way New Orleans team is set up.. TT will guard pf and theres no reason why he cant be a great defender once he gains some weight..

Now he is going to be working out with Thorpe? Whoop dee doo, he coached Bosh and Harrington...both of them are PF's who rely a TON on jumpshots. That is not what we want from Tyrus. We need him to be a PF and bang down low. Tyson at least had the size, where as Tyrus is an undersized PF.
No... some of us dont want Tyrus to bang down low. The guy was pretty bad last year trying to post up other people.. He lacks weight and strength to do anything downlow.. Ill take a Bosh and harrington offensive game... Tyrus right now doesnt look like he will bang down low.. he doesnt have good balance. Until he gains strength then id like to see more banging..

Banging downlow will have to come from another player until Tyrus has better balance and more strength. Offensively Tyrus should try to be a guy that makes open jump shots when open, be a finisher when guards penetrate, be a threat for an alley-oop, be good at fts, should try to have a post up game at least a go to move downlow... cut in for above the rim with put backs and get the crowd involve with his dunks and hustle. Thats all we ask for right now.. anything else would be a plus

Tyrus has no work ethic whatsoever. He is pretty content with rotting away on the bench. He said it himself, the dunk contest was all about the free money. He seems like he has no motivation. Instead of working to gain starting minutes, he just thinks it should be granted to him.

And Chandler has a good work ethic? Tyrus showed a jump shot at the end of the season. He was the kind of guy where people would say at the beginning of the season.."what are u doing taking a jumpshot??" to the guy.. where you didnt really mind taking a jumpshot... (although it gets frustrated when he starts depending on it too much instead of driving in) And the money comment.. u read too much into what Sam Smith was saying... he gave that money to charity anyways..

Tyrus is so raw... He needs another offseason after this one to really see how good he will be.. The guys has soo much potential.. Hes a freakish athlete... Lets see how he plays this season.. how much he improved on and what he improved on before we come to conclusions and start calling him a bust

Posted by: SoxFan1 Jun 3 2008, 02:40 AM

QUOTE (Bullies4Ever @ Jun 2 2008, 10:03 PM) *
Looks like your a chandler fan.. he he me too..

But you have to understand.. one thing that many bulls fans didnt like was that he was pretty much all talk and no walk.. He pretty much said all of the right things before and during the off season.. but tell me.. someone plz tell me.. what did he improve on anyways? other than gaining a lil muscle mass each year the guy didnt improve on his jumpshot, his ft%, his post game, he showed no offensive game year after year. And everyone knows that CP3 does make Chandler look good.. Theres no denying it..

What Tyrus does better:
-better hands (Chandler has brick hands)
-better handles
-better jumpshot
-can take people off the dribble
-can actually generate his own shot compared to Chandler
-better around the rim
-better post up game.._(haha.. not very good... he needs more weight)
-better passer
-better shot blocker
-better at stealing
-can play the passing lanes better
-better at the fast break
-better at FT
-has more potential
-has ability to dribble from coast to coast (if they let him.. haha)
-bottom line- in offense he's no Tyson or B. Wallace biggrin.gif

What Chandler does better:
-better size, doesnt get pushed around as much as TT
-better man to man defender
-better rebounder offensive and defensive
-knows his role
(plays better under controlled, doesnt try to do too much)
-better cheerleader

And very quick.. how can u say
little skill? Tyrus has a lot more skill than Chandler.. Chandler is a one dimensional player, looks like he always will be. Chandler could have been good IF he buster his butt in practice and during the off season. He could have developed a go to post up move if he really wanted to.. like a lot of people said.. he was lazy or something..

Blocking should count.. Blocking is a skill. Chandler has become a better defender now because hes stronger and he doesnt get as much in foul trouble as he did before. No reason why TT cant do the same.. TT can guard sf, pf, and Ive seen him guard big sg as well.. Chandler can only guard pf and C... And it looks like he will pretty much guard C from now on the way New Orleans team is set up.. TT will guard pf and theres no reason why he cant be a great defender once he gains some weight..

No... some of us dont want Tyrus to bang down low. The guy was pretty bad last year trying to post up other people.. He lacks weight and strength to do anything downlow.. Ill take a Bosh and harrington offensive game... Tyrus right now doesnt look like he will bang down low.. he doesnt have good balance. Until he gains strength then id like to see more banging..

Banging downlow will have to come from another player until Tyrus has better balance and more strength. Offensively Tyrus should try to be a guy that makes open jump shots when open, be a finisher when guards penetrate, be a threat for an alley-oop, be good at fts, should try to have a post up game at least a go to move downlow... cut in for above the rim with put backs and get the crowd involve with his dunks and hustle. Thats all we ask for right now.. anything else would be a plus

And Chandler has a good work ethic? Tyrus showed a jump shot at the end of the season. He was the kind of guy where people would say at the beginning of the season.."what are u doing taking a jumpshot??" to the guy.. where you didnt really mind taking a jumpshot... (although it gets frustrated when he starts depending on it too much instead of driving in) And the money comment.. u read too much into what Sam Smith was saying... he gave that money to charity anyways..

Tyrus is so raw... He needs another offseason after this one to really see how good he will be.. The guys has soo much potential.. Hes a freakish athlete... Lets see how he plays this season.. how much he improved on and what he improved on before we come to conclusions and start calling him a bust

Umm, wow. I thought you said you were a Tyson fan? And 3/4 of the things you have Tyrus better at are so false. He's not a shot-blocker at all. He has no skill. It's all athleticism. Tyrus' ball-handling is not good and he DEFINITELY isn't better than Tyson around the rim. Especially considering TT is one of the worst finishers around the bucket in the entire league.

When we drafted TT, we were supposed to be drafting a PF. Turns out we drafted a SF with no offensive game.

Posted by: dasox24 Jun 3 2008, 01:08 PM

I didn't think it was possible, but I think we found a bigger Tyrus fan than CBF... But seriously, I still like TT. I mean, I would trade him if the right deal came along, but I also think he can still be a good player. I don't think he's as terrible as SF1 tries to make him out to be, but I don't think he's as great as CBF and others make him out to be.

Posted by: Bullies4Life Jun 3 2008, 10:18 PM

QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jun 3 2008, 03:49 AM) *
Umm, wow. I thought you said you were a Tyson fan? And 3/4 of the things you have Tyrus better at are so false. He's not a shot-blocker at all. He has no skill. It's all athleticism. Tyrus' ball-handling is not good and he DEFINITELY isn't better than Tyson around the rim. Especially considering TT is one of the worst finishers around the bucket in the entire league.

When we drafted TT, we were supposed to be drafting a PF. Turns out we drafted a SF with no offensive game.

3/4 of the things you have Tyrus better at are so false.

I would like to hear those out plz. And in my opinion, and i think many would agree, yes he is a shot blocker. Chandler is not that good of a shot blocker compared to Tyrus. Tyrus has way better timing.

As far as ball-handling goes... They are above avg for a PF.

And yes, Tyrus is waaaaaay better at finishing around the rim then Chandler. They both arent that good, but Tyrus definately has the edge. Chandler has a horrible touch around the basket. Chandler can only dunk... His touch off the glass is Ben Wallace like. Tyrus isnt that great at it, but he definitely has the edge over Chandler. Ive seen Tyrus do reverse layups... His touch around the basket is not that bad. Believe me, i watched pretty much every single game the bulls played. If i worked that day, i recorded it and watched it:-D

When we drafted TT, we were supposed to be drafting a PF. Turns out we drafted a SF with no offensive game.

Tyrus is a PF. WHy not?? He played most of his minutes there, no? It boggled my mind when i saw him get minutes at the SF position. And yes he does have the size to play that position. Height is soooo overrated. Tyrus wingspan and athletic ability is why he can play PF in this league. Just be patient and let him gain some more weight.

Im sry if i sound like a big homer or a huge fan or TT... Im just comparing him to Chandler... Both players arent that good... Except Chandler has the edge because he is an established defensive player... He's one of the best at rebounding and defense... And because of that, he fits in great with the Hornets. But other than that, IMO, he's below avg. in everything else.

Posted by: Chicago Bulls Franchise Jun 3 2008, 10:31 PM

Really the only thing Tyson Chandler is better than Tyrus at is rebounding (especially offensive) and overall defense which probably comes with many more years in the league. Tyrus has the better offensive potential but I think Tyson will always be the better defensive player..

Posted by: SoxFan1 Jun 3 2008, 10:51 PM

QUOTE (Bullies4Life @ Jun 3 2008, 11:27 PM) *
I would like to hear those out plz. And in my opinion, and i think many would agree, yes he is a shot blocker. Chandler is not that good of a shot blocker compared to Tyrus. Tyrus has way better timing.

As far as ball-handling goes... They are above avg for a PF.

And yes, Tyrus is waaaaaay better at finishing around the rim then Chandler. They both arent that good, but Tyrus definately has the edge. Chandler has a horrible touch around the basket. Chandler can only dunk... His touch off the glass is Ben Wallace like. Tyrus isnt that great at it, but he definitely has the edge over Chandler. Ive seen Tyrus do reverse layups... His touch around the basket is not that bad. Believe me, i watched pretty much every single game the bulls played. If i worked that day, i recorded it and watched it:-D

Tyrus is a PF. WHy not?? He played most of his minutes there, no? It boggled my mind when i saw him get minutes at the SF position. And yes he does have the size to play that position. Height is soooo overrated. Tyrus wingspan and athletic ability is why he can play PF in this league. Just be patient and let him gain some more weight.

Im sry if i sound like a big homer or a huge fan or TT... Im just comparing him to Chandler... Both players arent that good... Except Chandler has the edge because he is an established defensive player... He's one of the best at rebounding and defense... And because of that, he fits in great with the Hornets. But other than that, IMO, he's below avg. in everything else.

QUOTE (Chicago Bulls Franchise @ Jun 3 2008, 11:40 PM) *
Really the only thing Tyson Chandler is better than Tyrus at is rebounding (especially offensive) and overall defense which probably comes with many more years in the league. Tyrus has the better offensive potential but I think Tyson will always be the better defensive player..

I'm just going to save myself time and say LOL to both posts. Tyson is better right now in nearly all facets of the game, no doubt about it.

Posted by: Chicago Bulls Franchise Jun 4 2008, 10:12 AM

QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jun 4 2008, 12:00 AM) *
I'm just going to save myself time and say LOL to both posts. Tyson is better right now in nearly all facets of the game, no doubt about it.

Contrary to what you may believe, your opinion isn't all that and a bag of chips.

Posted by: Bullies4Ever Jun 4 2008, 12:59 PM

QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jun 3 2008, 03:49 AM) *
Umm, wow. I thought you said you were a Tyson fan? And 3/4 of the things you have Tyrus better at are so false. He's not a shot-blocker at all. He has no skill. It's all athleticism. Tyrus' ball-handling is not good and he DEFINITELY isn't better than Tyson around the rim. Especially considering TT is one of the worst finishers around the bucket in the entire league.

When we drafted TT, we were supposed to be drafting a PF. Turns out we drafted a SF with no offensive game.

Since you say you would be wasting your time... I'll break it down for you notworthy.gif

What Tyrus does better:

-better hands (Chandler has brick hands)
Chandler sometimes has to "recharge" before dunking the ball

-better handles
Tyrus has above avr pf handles. Chandler isnt very good at dribbling

-better jumpshot
theres not much to say about this

-can take people off the dribble
Ever seen Chandler do this? Tyrus has a very quick step. Quicker than deng. Tyus needs better body control though

-can actually generate his own shot compared to Chandler
Tyrus sucks at generating his own shot (he is better than Chandler though), but he does have the ability to take PF's off the dribble to get a layup or dunk.. Anyone watch Tyrus vs Detroit? Tyrus taking Rasheed Wallace to skool?

-better around the rim
Both guys are below average but I give the edge to Tyus because hes the kind of guy where he can catch the ball and throw it down quick. He has a better touch than Chandler does also. He's also better with his left hand than Chandler. Tyrus has actually showed some impressive dunks with his left hand. Most of Chandler's points come from lobs, tip ins, and wide open dunks. You hardly see this guy making a lot of layups. Tyrus is a lil bit more crafty as well.

-better post up game.._(haha.. not very good... he needs more weight)
Both guys stink. At this point I wouldnt really want these 2 guys banging down low... Id rather find a different option.

-better passer
tyrus played 1329 mins last year. Chandler played 2782 mins. Tyrus had 90 total assist for the whole season. Chandler had 81 assist.

-better shot blocker
Coming into the league, I thought Chandler could be one of the better shot blockers in the league just because of his size and length.. He proved me wrong though.. He actually isnt that good.. There is a reason why he doesnt generate that many blks though... well... this is just what i think... If Chandler went for blks, he would probably get into foul trouble very quicky.

We actually saw an example of this with Tyrus Thomas last year.. Tyrus was generating a lot of blks for his minutes played in his rookie season but he was also picking up a lot of fouls. This year Thomas played a little bit more under controlled and thats a reason why Thomas didnt pick up that many blks..

Chandler wants to and his team needs him to stay on the court... Im sure he has learned to hold his grown and just put his long arms up in the air to change peoples shots... Defense isnt always about blks.. Its a lot about making it hard for the opposing team to get shots up there. Tyrus has better timing in blks. Sometimes he reminds me of a young Alonzo Mourning.. the way both players have springs under their legs..

Tyrus Thomas per 48 mins is 2.6 blks. Chandler is 1.4 blks. Tyrus blks per 48 mins last year was 3.8

-better at stealing

Tyrus Thomas
.65 1.73

.57 .78

-can play the passing lanes better
-better at the fast break
-better at FT
-has more potential
-has ability to dribble from coast to coast (if they let him.. haha)
-bottom line- in offense he's no Tyson or B. Wallace biggrin.gif

If I need to go into more depth with the rest of the categories, the pleasure would be all mine to break it down biggrin.gif

Im a Chandler fan... and a Tyrus Fan.. I want both to have a great career.. I just want to emphasize that this is just all of my opinions.. some are statistics which is always good to have... Im sure there may be some people that dont agree with me in 2 or 3 things I said. Thats fine.. But 3/4 of what i said was false about Tyrus being better?? I would love to hear them out.. even if its just 3 things..

I didnt mean to sound like a huge Tyrus fan. I was just saying what hes better than Chandler in most aspects of the game. Chandler is like Ben Wallace. They are both liabilities on offense.. its like playing 4 vs 5... The time where u sometimes cant leave Chandler open is when CP3 goes in for the layup... U have to respect chandler b/c he can catch the alleyoop pass...

I dont really tell myself TT is a big liability on offense compared to Chandler.. The reason why I bring this up because I heard
Tyson is better right now in nearly all facets of the game, no doubt about it.

Posted by: ZoomSlowik Jun 4 2008, 02:16 PM

For someone that's supposedly so much better at so many things than Chandler he sure doesn't do a whole lot on the floor about 80% of the time...

I'll put it this way, Tyrus doesn't do ANYTHING particularly well on offense. He shot 42% from the floor for christ's sake, which is awful for a PF. He's also nowhere near good inside and doesn't have much touch at all. Only 15 players in the entire NBA had a lower FG% on shots in the basket area, 13 of which were guards (the others were Wallace in his time with the Bulls and Yi Jian Lian, who isn't exactly a banger either). This vaunted jumpshot people keep mentioning only went in 35.5% of the time, which is still comfortably below the median. I'm not sure how he's a good ball-handler for a PF either, he VERY rarely even tries to take guys off the dribble, and though his turnover rate was down from his rookie year (probably because he wasn't trying to drive as much) it's still not exactly great for a catch and shoot/dunk player (Chandler does get a lot too, mostly 3 seconds/offensive fouls). He is an okay passer for his size, but considering he's not a ball-handler it has a lot less value.

Tyson isn't a great offensive player either by any stretch, but at least he doesn't try to do things that he can't do terribly well, hence he actually hits half of the shots he takes (a lot more than that in New Orleans). He's also light-years better as a one on one defender and doesn't exactly suck as a help defender. Tyrus will make some disruptive plays due to his athleticism, that doesn't mean he's in the right spot and doing the right thing with regularity. Tyrus may be able to do a few more things (poorly), but he's also nowhere near as proficient as Tyson as a defender or rebounder, and Tyson has a much lower usage rate to get the same mediocre to poor offensive production. 6.8 points on 5.9 shots isn't exactly efficient in any way, shape or form.

I've never been a huge Tyrus fan, but at least in his rookie year it seemed like he was doing some things well. This year he became more of a jump-shooter without improving a whole lot of his other assets (he actually ended up with a lower player efficiency rating this year). Maybe with an off-season of work he can be someone you can count on with some kind of consistency, but he's not at that point yet.

Posted by: SoxFan1 Jun 4 2008, 02:21 PM

QUOTE (Chicago Bulls Franchise @ Jun 4 2008, 11:21 AM) *
Contrary to what you may believe, your opinion isn't all that and a bag of chips.

Oh, sorry. You're opinion is worth much more. It's all that and a $3 bag of chips.

OMFGz, TyruSThomas with a sickDUNK! He jumpz soo HIGH! 23.5ppg and 39 rebounds in his 3rd yearZ! MVPEEEEE!!!!111!!!!1

I'm so glad you got rid of those ridiculous Tyrus Thomas predictions. Through the 1st 2 years, you were 0-2, and it would only keep going. Tyrus Thomas for KG straight up! Naaaaaaah, Tyrus has potential to be an 11-9 guy!!!!1 Yayaaaa!

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